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Every Donation, Will Improve Lives

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Making Abundant Life Possible

Donate for the right purpose and distribute love to make lives better.


Got a Question?

Head over to our contact page to get started or fill out the form at the bottom of this page!

Q.Are my contributions tax deductible?
Yes! Because Trees by the Water International Ministries is a 501(c)3 organization, your financial contributions are tax deductible. once you've submitted any contribution to TBW, an automatic email will be sent to you with our tax ID for your record-keeping purposes.
Q. What portion of my money is used for administration purposes and staffing?
● Those who administrate from the USA on behalf of Trees by the Water do not receive
any compensation for their time, since all are volunteers. At this time, the personnel of
JESDDI, our partner organization in Togo, are also volunteering their time. Funds that
are needed in Togo to accomplish specific aspects of caring for the children, such as the
costs of transporting food or persons and costs of communication between Togo and the
U.S., are covered as part of the sponsorship program.
● We work to minimize the impact of these expenses upon the dollars available for care of
the children. Should additional administrative funds be necessary for a specific task, or
when we desire to give an honorarium to the members of JESDDI in respect of their time
and effort invested (and in acknowledgement that they also support our mutual work at
CAV by adding their own personal donations from their means), TBW relies upon
individual donors who feel led to contribute specifically for these purposes.
Q. If I send a contribution, what are some of the things my money will be used for?
● Our view is that a healthy community produces healthy and happy children; therefore,long-term efforts to encourage a more sustainable way of life are imperative.
● In an effort to help the current children of CAV learn to be contributing members of
society, TBW would like to incorporate a few established programs for long-term health
and development of the children and their families. At this time, these programs are
only possible through private donations specifically given for this purpose. Some of these programs have been implemented through partnerships such as Filter of Hope and Food Plan Solutions.
Q. Other than your regular programs, are there funds set aside for needs that you didn't plan for?

Absolutely. The more connected TBW becomes with the Children of Alouenou Village and their families, the more we learn about specific needs. We use a specific fund to address immediate/occasional needs such as:

-When a child becomes sick and needs to visit a doctor.
- When a child requires medication for a temporary or on-going illness.
- When a child needs surgery for a life-threatening illness.
- When a child has the opportunity to train under an apprentice to learn a specific
- When a child could benefit by having a bike for traveling to and from school.
 The above needs are all examples of occasions that TBW would raise additional funds
(not sponsorship money) to take care of specific, immediate concerns. At this time, TBW
collects money one at a time for children facing such needs.